Saturday, December 7th
Team Devin will be decorating a trailer in the Tractor Parade this year thanks to the kindness and generosity of Buttermilk Lane Farm and Mr. and Mrs. Holden!! Come out to support the entire town, all of the awesome participants, Buttermilk Lane Farm and DHMF!! See you there!! 💜 #TeamDevin

Wonderland of Ice, Skate for Science

CT Epilepsy Foundation: Walk to End Epilepsy, Team Devin

Purple Pumpkin Project

Purple Peaks

40 Mile Hiking Challenge

Holiday Toy Drive



The Devin Howard Memorial Foundation sent students in the summer of 2024 to Quinnipiac University Summer Program, Pre-Med Preparation: Medical Microbiology.  This is a 1 week on-campus program that offers exploration into the world of microbiology, to learn the strategies and techniques used by researchers and medical professionals to diagnose diseases and develop new treatments.

Our goal is to enhance a love of science and supplement exposure to careers in science, medicine and medical research.



Local teens completed a certificate program on Seizure Recognition and First Aid Training



NYC Marathon

The Devin Howard Memorial Foundation was beautifully represented in the NYC marathon by community member Todd Richard in 2023 and by Teri Alves in 2024!

Hartford Marathon

Team Devin ran in recognition of Donate Life!



The Devin Howard Award

This award recognizes local students for their determination and resilience in school.

DHMF Warrior Award

Our goal is to support children in overcoming adversity, while encompassing perseverance, a positive attitude and a sense of adventure.

Tough Cookie Award

Local distribution of baskets of goodies for some extra encouragement for children who are going through their own medical journey.


Essay contests

Devin Purple Recess Bags

Family Adventure, sent local families on an adventure (Jurassic Live and Disney on Ice)

Recognizing acts of kindness in our schools